It Will Pass

    Categories: Uncategorised

    Dharma Glimpse by Nick Creswick

    As someone who has an outlook on life that tries to find the positive in every situation and has comfort in the impermanence of life, sometime this can actually be a struggle.

    When you experience loved ones in pain whether that be emotional or physical and in that moment they can’t see the impermanence, it’s hard. You want to try and reassure and show that this will change without frustration in the situation. This is hard when you sometime feel powerless to help.

    Learning to accept that you may not be able to help is hard, I have learnt that helping can be just being there or doing something they need. You don’t need to say it will be alright and it will pass.

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    Walking mindfully

    Categories: Uncategorised

    Dharma Glimpse by Elaine

    On the days when i am short of time in the morning or if I’m lacking insight and energy I walk Luna on this bit of land behind the housing estate where I live.
    It’s not the most scenic place to walk, the field is surrounded by houses many of which are newly built, and beyond the houses you can see the beautiful stretch of the hills.
    I made the decision to try and walk mindfully every day. I no longer wear headphones and i try to be present, being fully aware of the moment i am in. At these times something always catches my eye and brings joy, dogs playing, a black cat hiding in the long grass, or the trees surrounding the land. Sometimes at these times I just feel pure gratitude for being alive.
    On the land are two large ponds which unless we have had a lot of rain are mostly empty of water and are more like a marsh. They are full of bulrushes, and often look very dull and uninviting but occasionally when you look in the right light or under a certain sky they look completely enchanting and very beautiful, at times like this I stop and take photographs and am so thankful that this is on my doorstep.
    When I am preoccupied I often fail to see the beautiful aspects of my walk, the pond looks desolate and miserable, the houses are an eyesore and block the view and I find no joy at all while out walking and I can see how this is mirrored in my life. If I am preoccupied and worrying, caught up in the not so pretty side of life I can get very anxious and depressed. My life feels all suffering and no joy, I hide away and often stray from things I know will make things better, it’s then I really need to meditate and take a mindful walk and start taking care of my spiritual health.
    I am new to Buddhist practice and everything is a learning curve but I am grateful for the support the teachings can give me.
    Namo Amida Bu.
    “Go back and take care of yourself, your body needs you, your feelings need you. The wounded child in you needs you. Your suffering needs you to acknowledge it. Go home and be there for all these things .Practice mindful walking and mindful breathing. Do everything in mindfulness so you can be there, so you can be loved.”
    Thich Nhat Hanh

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    Centre of the Universe

    Categories: Uncategorised

    A Dharma Glimpse by Alexander Hopkins, reflecting on “Living Nembutsu” book group

    Thinking about what we spoke about last week about being the “centre of the universe”, made me reflect on how at times I am guilty of this. Ok so not maybe that self absorbed but certainly wanting people to notice me so I feel heard and significant. Then I thought is this acceptable? And how much of the centre of the universe can I take?

    I understand that we can’t be in everyone’s minds or thoughts all of the time but somehow, when I’m not, particularly in certain situations, I can feel annoyed and upset. Is this just an expectation of mine that I need to lower? Feeling this way then sends me into a rabbit hole of guilt and shame for feeling this way.

    A recent example of this, was following my redundancy, many people from my old job have avoided contact with me or not responded to my messages, people I thought cared. People I spent a huge amount of time with. It’s like I expect these people to reach out or acknowledge me in someway, rationally knowing they have their own lives, are busy and not the forefront of their minds.

     Is this high expectation and rule I shamefully have, of wanting and needing to be in someone’s mind an act of my ego and being the centre of the universe?

    I question where I draw the line? It’s a battle of my own ego and expectations and accepting impermanence. I mean people’s relationships change all the time especially work relationships, and we don’t all live by the same expectations and rules.

    I guess the centre of the universe is subjective and I suppose by learning to understand others reasons, accepting impermanence and letting go with trust in those who do support me reduces my ego somewhat and in turn my shame and guilt.

    It’s a work in progress…..
    Namo Amida Bu

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