The Bright Earth temple stewards are jointly responsible for the physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of the temple and those who live and practice here. They oversee tasks such as looking after the temple building, making sure that the physical space is used effectively, looking after guests, overseeing the temple calendar and more. They report to the Bright Earth trustees and are also accountable to the Amida Trust (which owns the building, looks after all our finances and makes sure the funds are being used appropriately). You can contact the three of them at

    They are:

    Paramita (he/him) is a part of the temple community and has been practising with the sangha since 2012. He facilitates school, college and other visits to the temple for educational purposes and runs Buddhist practice at the temple. He is also a Buddhist Chaplain who aspires to bring compassion and wisdom into difficult places. He is interested in Shinran’s teachings, and a broad range of spiritual teachers. 

    Angie (she/they) lives at the Temple with her dog Aine and has been involved in the Bright Earth sangha for around 4 years with involvement in Buddhism and other Eastern religions since she was 15. They hold Buddhist practise and Book groups at the Temple, work as a Holistic Psychotherapist and also hold Chanting and Devotional Singing sessions. They are particularly interested in creative expression, embodiment, our relationship with the natural world and attending to spiritual yearning.

    Dave Smith (he/him) has been living at the temple for four years now and takes an active role in the temple community and the wider sangha. He is a trainee minister and facilitates occasional book groups. Dave is a freelance arborist and ecologist and feels most at home when he is out in the natural world, studying and immersing himself in wildlife