We usually follow the pattern below for our shrine room and online practice sessions.

    We begin in silence so people can settle in.


    Dharma Glimpse by a member of our community

    Silent Meditation

    Nembutsu Practice

    Trad. & K. Thompson & S. Robyn
    (repeat after the celebrant)

    For refuge I go to the Buddha
    The one who is awake and full of love
    Namo Buddhaya

    For refuge I go to the Dharma
    All that guides us to wisdom and compassion
    Namo Dharmaya

    For refuge I go to the Sangha
    Those who live in the Buddha’s light
    Namo Sanghaya


    (repeat after celebrant)

    With faith in the three jewels
    and in light of my human tendencies
    I pray that I may become aware /  of when I take life
    I pray that I may become aware /  of when I take what is not freely given
    I pray that I may become aware /  of when I fall into sexual misconduct
    I pray that I may become aware /  of when I fall into wrong speech
    I pray that I may become aware /  of when I become intoxicated

    Three Active Virtues
    Terry Keanan
    (repeat after the celebrant)

    No blame
    Be kind
    Love everything

    Bodhisattva Vows
    (call and response)

    Innumerable are sentient beings:
    Inexhaustible are deluded passions:
    Immeasurable are the Dharma teachings:
    Infinite is the Buddha’s way:
    we vow to save them all
    we vow to transform them all
    we vow to master them all
    we vow to fulfil it completely *

    Dharma Talk by one of Bright Earth’s teachers

    We do three prostrations, bowing our bodies to the ground as a way of taking refuge in the Buddha, whilst chanting Namo Amida Bu.

    Closing verse

    (Everyone on Zoom can unmute for this bit!)

    Blessed by Amitabha’s light
    May we care for all living things
    and the holy Earth