A Dharma Glimpse by Utpaladhi
Water pools on our flat garage roof, and I often look at it through the landing window. Birds like to bathe there, undisturbed by humans. They don’t much care that it’s rather grey and not aesthetically pleasing up there – they enjoy splashing and chattering together. The other night I saw the full moon reflected in the water. The moon itself was rising high in the sky, seemingly far away. But in the water on my garage roof it seemed so close – not just in proximity but close to my everyday domestic life. Sometimes the Buddhas feel so transcendent that they are far away from my everyday life and concerns. I muse on what I need to do to ‘go out there’ and connect with this transcendent force. But then I have a reminder, that my every day is shot through with transcendence and there is no ‘far away’ about it at all. It’s all right here for us to bathe in, as the daytime birds splash about in water that has been moon-bathed night after night.
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