A Dharma Glimpse by Sam Johnson

I have been enjoying a period in which I have felt very energetic and done lots of things that I have found valuable. It has been wonderful. But as always happens sooner or later, I am now in the crash. One or two nights of poor sleep, some low-level illness, I lose momentum, and the streak is over. I am like a cartoon character running off a cliff, remaining suspended a few moments against gravity, before realising the situation and then falling into the chasm below.
In time, I will get going again. I know this from experience. Life comes in such cycles. Maybe it doesn’t have to be exactly like it is now, but it will always come in cycles. I look out of my window to see the patches of yellow and orange beginning to appear on the trees, and it is a reminder that these cycles are natural and unavoidable. There are aspects of where I am now that are not pleasant. But the scenery reminds me that there is beauty to be found in all seasons.
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