“Hello. I’m Satya. I’m a writer and a psychotherapist, and I run the Buddhist temple in Malvern with my husband Kaspa. I have two little dogs, many responsibilities, and my days are full. I don’t live a perfectly ethical life because (like you) I live in a broken system and (maybe like you) I’m a foolish being – sometimes driven by my greed, hate or fear, and sometimes in denial.
I started my daily vigil on the 1st of November 2020 and I will continue until the 31st of October 2021 – the day before COP26 starts. I am sitting here in silent vigil because my heart breaks whenever I hear news of the ice melting, the wildfires raging, or the nightingales disappearing. I am frightened for my young nieces and the darkness they’ll live through. And, I have a fierce love for this beautiful planet we are lucky enough to live on.
Why sit and do nothing for an hour every day in all weathers? Wouldn’t I be better off planting trees, donating money, organising demonstrations or becoming a politician? Maybe. And, this is where I’m called to be right now – a small living billboard. Others will do those things and more – maybe you will.
My hope is that you’ll read more about the climate and ecological emergency, and join a group (like Extinction Rebellion) who are campaigning for urgent system change. System change is our priority, and personal change is also good – eating less meat, flying less frequently, living more gently on the Earth. If nothing else, send dear Earth some love or grief of your own.
If you want to say hello do come back at the end of my hour’s sit, or email me at satya@satyarobyn.com. Read more (including suggestions of big or small changes you can make yourself) at www.dearearth.co.uk/vigil. Please feel free to take a photo of me, and if you’d like to join me, do sit next to me or anywhere on the Earth.
With love, Satya <3″
Read more about what you can do to help with the Climate & Ecological Emergency…
If you’re local to Malvern we have a group vigil every Saturday from midday til 1pm – more information here.